What is Coaching?
My first coaching A’ha, was when my coach said, “Everything we talked about is between you and I, you can trust me on that”. I was like, I don't know when I've ever had that. I could truly honestly say whatever in a judgement free space. I could say the craziest thing ever and they’d say.. tell me more?
A space to explore my own self. In that alone is incredible value. And then a trusted sounding board, Does this make sense? What am I doing here? That self doubt turns to confidence. You can actually explore your thoughts without ridicule or concern. It’s a business partner, but one who’s only ambition is to make you the most successful version of yourself with complete and unwavering support.
That process gives great clarity and focus. When I found the power of Coaching first hand, was when I had a moment to take the ever so important breath and pull together all the plans I had made and put them into action. It was through unleashing the courage within, through a powerful coaching experience that I found the magic.
I become accountable to the only person I know is going to hold me truly accountable, myself. I discovered my values and why I make the decision I make. I built on skills I never knew I had inside. It gave me confidence to make decisions and follow through on plans. That’ s what coaching did for me years ago and now I want to share that with you.
I see the potential in you..both professionally and personally. Coaching is about helping the whole person. The leaders balancing business, family, personal interests, dreams and aspirations. We know it can be lonely at the top and difficult to have truly authentic, judgement free conversations that are confidential.
Guess what? Thats were the magic lives! When is the last time you had a truly open, vulnerable conversation about your goals, vision, purpose, struggles, challenges and insecurities?
Coaching is not telling you what we think you should do, but is about empowering you to have the confidence to do what you are capable of, and not be limited by what we think is possible, but what you dream to be possible.
To explore beyond the your current thinking or feeling to new or expanded ways of thinking or feeling about yourself and your situation. We look to the potential of the future together and create it.
We do this by having a different type of conversation, asking hard questions and allowing you to realize you hold all the answers.
The results can be life changing. Clients often say they’ve created a new outlook on life – finding inspiration, courage, confidence, and answers to long-burning questions from within.
Achieve greater clarity through enhanced self-awareness
Discover and align your values with yourself and your work
Strengthen self-confidence with effective techniques to set attainable goals and define personal success.
Support the navigation towards growth and successful implementation of processes.
Enhance interpersonal skills and leadership competencies
Build and follow a strategic plan to attain thriving business and personal development and growth
Guidance identifying new challenges and create strategies and an action plan to navigate
Accountability partner on action plans
What can Leadership Coaching do for you?

Bring out your potential so you can live your best life
How one to one customized coaching works
Reach out and connect, we’ll set up a time to chat. We’ll cover what coaching is and isn’t, what you’d like to achieve through coaching, get to know each other a bit, make sure we’re a good fit and answer any questions you may have.
I’ll send you a custom proposal describing what we discussed for clarity, objectives of the engagement, schedule discussion, access to coaching and training, confidentiality and investment requirements.
We’ll sign a simple Coaching Agreement together which outlines the details based on the proposal of the coaching relationship. From there, you’ll complete a questionnaire to help you understand you a bit more.
We begin
We kick things off with our first coaching session. We’ll dig a bit deeper and get clear on your goals. We’ll unearth barriers, co-create solutions, discover options and possibilities, identify resources and develop accountability techniques.
Magic in the Middle
Throughout the process we’ll have thought provoking conversations focused on your goals, track progress, find resources and supports. It’s ok if it’s messy for a bit. Things will shift, new possibilities will emerge and we’ll tackle that together.
My vision is to have for people and organizations to experience the power of coaching and incorporate it into their lives and businesses. When we have completed our agreement, there may be more to discover and work towards or time for a break, we can decide that together as our relationship evolves.